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How To Protect Your Digital Privacy

Data privacy tips

In the world of information security, with data breaches becoming increasingly common, digital privacy is paramount for your company’s well-being. Your data is a business asset that must be protected.

Online privacy impacts individuals and organizations on a largely different scale.

The core concern stays the same, though: How do I control personal and business information stored online?

This article will discuss several strategies to secure your files from unauthorized access. Here are some simple tips to be safe online: 

Keep a data inventory

This should be your first step in enhancing your digital privacy. An accurate data inventory will let you know what to prioritize and protect.

On top of that, it will inform you about the following:

  • How you store your data
  • Where it comes from
  • The type of data you record
  • Who has access to it.

Based on your inventory, you can make guidelines for implementing online security policies.

Use a password manager to reinforce your digital privacy

Employee passwords are most often the weakest link in digital security. Poor combinations provide an easy opportunity for cybercriminals to get their hands on your data.

They’re susceptible to brute force, dictionary, rainbow table, and other attacks.

A password manager is the simplest solution for this problem. 25% of workplaces require employees to use password managers, and for a good reason. Everyone accessing your organization’s network should have one.

It will generate complex and unique combinations of numbers, symbols, and uppercase and lowercase letters. Additionally, your employees won’t have to remember them.

Secure your remote workforce.

With remote work becoming the norm, cybercriminals have found a favorite new target. Public hotspots are out of the question.

Anyone connected to the same network could monitor your employees’ online activities and even steal confidential information.

That’s why everyone working from home should connect using a VPN, and it will provide secure remote access to your organization’s resources.

Basically, a VPN forms an encrypted tunnel between the user and the remote network. Malicious actors can’t intercept all traffic that passes through it.

Employ encryption to ensure your digital privacy.

Encryption is a common method of protecting confidential files and preventing leaks.

In a nutshell, it scrambles your data and renders it unreadable to unauthorized users. Only individuals with the cipher or key can decrypt and read it.

Generally speaking, there are two methods of encryption:

  • Symmetric — Uses a single private key.
  • Asymmetric — Relies on a combination of private and public keys.

As for computer encryption, there are three common types:

  • File-level — Only encrypts individual files and folders. 
  • Volume — Allows you to create an encrypted container, and it will affect all files and folders stored in it.
  • Full-disk — Encompasses all volumes, folders, and files. You’ll need a passcode or a USB with the encryption key to access your computer.

Before deciding on a method, you should identify which information needs to be encrypted.

Overall, it would be wise to focus your efforts on stored restricted data. You can rely on built-in or third-party encryption programs.

Additionally, you shouldn’t neglect the files you’re sending over messaging services. The same goes for physical files — only use trustworthy courier services.

Implement a cybersecurity policy.

An online security policy effectively educates all employees about various risks and the proper responses to them.

It’s a set of guidelines that cover security expectations and responsibilities for specific areas like file encryption and antivirus use.

It ensures the entire organization is on the same page concerning cyber health. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in onboarding.

To write it, you’ll first need to identify the company’s weak spots susceptible to data breaches. Some concerns might be low-level, but others could jeopardize your entire operation.

Enforce access control to boost your digital privacy

Business data should be shared on a need-to-know basis with employees. Access control guarantees that only approved users can view sensitive information.

It combines authentication and authorization measures to achieve that. 

Authentication techniques confirm and verify that someone is who they claim to be. On the other hand, authorization decides whether someone has the right to access data.

Access control technologies are vital for organizations with remote employees who require permission for internal resources and services.

However, hybrid work environments and increasingly diverse access devices challenge successful implementation.

Execute security awareness training with a focus on digital privacy

Your employees must have the knowledge and tools to recognize and report cyberattacks. That’s where digital security awareness training comes into play!

It’s a program that will help them identify threats and respond accordingly. It’s especially effective when battling data breaches and phishing attacks. Your organization will develop a culture founded on cybersecurity values.

Furthermore, this training will ensure compliance with all relevant data protection regulations. Failure to do so can result in fines up to hundreds of millions.


Digital privacy plays the lead role in today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape. Data breaches are no longer isolated incidents. Instead, they’re a threat to every business, regardless of size.

Fortunately, you can mitigate the risks and manage your information. Password managers, encryption, access control, and other methods can significantly decrease the chances of cyberattacks.

These preventive measures will save you much money (and your reputation!).

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