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IT Chronicles at CES 2021: What the Flip?

CES 2021

Yes, CES 2021 is known as a consumer electronics show. And yes, IT Chronicles is focused on business technologies. So what are we doing here?

The global pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital technologies and support for work from home (WFH)/work from anywhere (WFA) and digital transformation initiatives at companies of all sizes and types. In addition, changing workforce demographics mean more companies are taking on more workers who are digital natives, familiar and comfortable with easy-to-use, largely mobile technologies for shopping, gaming, and socializing. At the same time, workplaces and workspaces are themselves being transformed to provide the levels of safety and comfort returning workers (and those who insure them) expect and demand.

All of this is, in turn, accelerating a trend that’s been growing for years. It’s typically been known as the “consumerization” of IT. But we think it’s gone one step beyond. Welcome to the rise of the corporate consumer – someone who uses IT to do business, and who expects that IT to be as engaging, unobtrusive, and easy to use as the best shopping sites and most popular online social platforms.

This creates new challenges and opportunities for all who build, sell, buy, deploy, and manage business technologies. And it means there are useful things business technology decision makers and influencers can learn from the “consumer” side of the industry.

And that’s why IT Chronicles is covering and providing commentary on events at CES 2021.

Now, we are not trying to be a tech news site. We leave that to the worthy professional journalists at sites such as CNET and ZDNet. But the goal of IT Chronicles is and has always been to translate “bits and bytes” and “speeds and feeds” into clear, actionable “dollars and sense” for business technology decision makers and influencers. And we believe the continuing consumerization of IT and the rise of the corporate consumer are hot-button, top-of-mind concerns for many if not all of the thousands of people who visit our site each month.

So we’ll be posting thoughtful commentary on announcements, events, and trends we spot at CES 2021 that we think are directly relevant to all involved in IT for business and the business of IT. And we welcome your input and feedback during CES 2021 and beyond.

See you at And perhaps in person at CES 2022.

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