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A Newbie’s Guide To How To Stay Compliant As a Mobile App Owner?


Learn about GDPR, how it functions, and how to stay compliant with these GDPR best practices for mobile applications.

If you are an app publisher, you are likely targeting the global market, including the European nations. European nations uphold the most promising and highly regulated app market in the world. Ethical regulations protecting the privacy of the users is a crucial hallmark of the app market here. 

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law implemented by the European Union offers a comprehensive regulatory framework covering all aspects of data privacy. Every app developed or marketed for the users within European Union has to comply with these regulations to function as a business. 

The best thing is, as an app development agency if you comply with the GDPR rules, you are very likely to stay compliant with all other privacy norms and best practices in the industry. So, even for adhering to the best privacy standards, it is essential to know about GDPR law and how it functions. 

Introducing GDPR and its basics 

Padlock over a smartphone and EU map symbolizing the EU General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR. Designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe.

It is an EU legislation focusing on the data privacy of the app users. It provides individual app users extensive freedom and rights in terms of protecting and using their personal information. Announced and rolled out way back in 2016, the legislation offers a two-year transition time for all apps operating within EU jurisdiction to comply.

The coverage and jurisdiction of the legislation focus mainly on the users instead of the business. Irrespective of wherever your app business is operating from, if the app is processing or accessing any personal information of EU citizens, it has to comply with this regulation. As of now, GDPR comprises close to a hundred different facets of privacy requirements. Here are some primary ones. 

  • Every app needs to take explicit consent from the users before they collect or access their personal information. 
  • Every app has to enforce data protection by its design and by default functions. 
  • The app must guarantee easy and smooth access to data for users. 
  • Users should be given full rights to their data along with data portability. 
  • Users must be provided with the right to forgetting their data. 
  • Users must have clear knowledge and detained information about any data breaching efforts, including the breaches’ time and impact. 
  • The legislation also provides clear direction about giving compensation to the users who suffered data breaching efforts. 

Now that we have a gross idea about GDPR legislation and its enforced regulations and guidelines, let’s have a quick look at the key elements of GDPR. 

Taking user consent and allowing Opt-Out

As per this legislation, an app has to consent from the app users to access their personal information. The consent must be active to allow the use of user data continuously. The so-called user registration is no longer regarded to be user consent as per this rule. Users also should be provided with the option to withdraw consent at any time during the app usage. 

According to GDPR, the app has to take separate granular level consent for accessing and using the same for specific data. The app must clarify all the different purposes for accessing each piece of data. Users should be in total control of their data, including their right to withdraw consent for any information or all the private information. 

Individual Rights to Access Information 

Apart from providing the individual users explicit right to control the consent for collecting and processing data, the GDPR offers many additional rights. All these rights need to be mentioned in the privacy policy document to keep users informed about them. 

Whenever the user requests to access a piece of information, the request must be honoured by providing the data within a maximum of 30 days from the date of request. On the other hand, GDPR allows the app to charge a small and reasonable fee for providing the information to make up for the administrative costs. 

Right to Data Portability

In all the scenarios where data is generated or processed by using devices or machines, app users must have the right to data portability. This means users have the right to transfer data accessed by one app to another app. This data transfer should be facilitated smoothly and without any interference from the business establishment. 

Right to Object

GDPR also enforces strict laws to allow app users to stop processing the data if they are not informed about the app usage well in advance. This right to object must be communicated to the users well in advance and preferably at preliminary communication. 

Right to Rectify

According to GDPR, when mobile app users consider their data to have errors or lack essential details, they have the right to rectify the data. The app must allow users to change or correct their personal information at any time, right from their handheld screen. 

Right to Be Informed

GDPR mentions that every app user has the explicit right to be informed about who is accessing their data and using it for which purpose. This information regarding the usage should be provided to the users in an easy-to-understand manner and without levying any charge. 

Right to Be Forgotten

The GDPR legislation allows app users to erase all their personal information and become forgotten by the app. The users can erase the data immediately whenever they think that a piece of data is no longer required. 

Data Security

The GDPR legislation also maintains that the app authorities should take measures to ensure complete security and protection of user data by using modern technologies such as cryptography or encryption.


Here we have just provided a brief glimpse into all the major GDPR for data privacy compliance. By following these regulations, any app can get the safeguards of best data privacy practices. 

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