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How to Get and Validate New App Ideas in 2021

New App Ideas

Are you a mobile app development service provider planning to develop a mobile phone app for your business? Or you just want to create your first mobile app for your own interest and are therefore looking for mobile app ideas to make money in 2021, then we can say that you are at the right place.

Nowadays, with the advancement in mobile technology, almost everything has come to our smartphones including movies, music, fitness, food, etc. and all this has been possible by developing the respecting apps to serve the purpose. Also, every new or existing business owner is interested in developing apps to not only enhance their visibility amongst the target audience but also to boost sales figures and take their business in a completely new direction.

Keep one thing always in mind that not all apps make money, or we can say that not all apps are created to earn money. But in this article, we will skip the business app ideas that won’t make you earn money and would rather give you insights on how to come up with new app ideas and implement them to develop the apps that can help you make money. So, let’s begin!

How to Come Up With New App Ideas?

  1. Mark the Problems

To begin with, the first thing that you can do to come up with new app ideas in 2021 is to identify and mark the problem that you are facing while doing a particular activity in a current way and think about building a new solution that can overcome the challenges for you and other users. Identifying a problem yourself is important as you can have your personal experience while using an app or any solution for doing that activity which will help you in coming up with your own approach and idea to bring a better available solution for the challenges that you and others are facing.

Also, there are chances that already other people have created an application to mark the problem but the app or the solution is not the best that could have been developed to overcome the problem. So, that can be a good opportunity for you to come up with your set of solutions as a problem can have multiple solutions, and who knows you can come up with a better app that can outdate the previous one. All you need to do is mark the problem in the current solution and come up with something that is original and can fix the problem in less time and in an efficient way.

  1. Improvise an Existing Application

This is true that not all the applications that have been already developed are the perfect solution for a particular problem or an issue. Keeping this in mind, you will always have the opportunity to improvise the existing apps with your new mobile app ideas in 2021 and approach to solve a particular problem. 

Take out some time from your schedule and try to identify and make a note of what the big market players are missing out on. Yes, it would be quite challenging but not impossible, as with decent efforts you can certainly make that happen. You can analyze and research the products developed by the players and try to observe what they have achieved perfectly and where they are lagging. You can then combine your analysis and observation to come up with a better idea to improvise an already existing mobile app.

Also, if you have found out the way to improvise a certain app then make sure that you create a new design for the app which is quite unique and different from the already existing app. Also, keep its user interface simpler to provide a unique experience to your potential customers.

  1. Target the Industry that Lacks Innovation

The next important way to come up with new app ideas is to target those sectors that are quite popular in the market but lack recent innovations. Again, this can be quite a challenging activity for you but always remember that results can be achieved with efforts. Always try to think of the changes that you can bring to the current technology that is being used in a particular industry and how your new app ideas in 2021 can increase its efficiency, performance, and functionalities to get better results at work.

  1. Interact With Your Users

If you are a successful mobile app development service provider or are new in the market, interacting with your existing app users to know about the challenges and issues with respect to using the app is always a worthy approach. Talking with your customers will help you in working on new ideas for mobile app development.

You can interact with your app users to get insights on the following:

·  What kinds of apps are your customers using to overcome the issues?

·  To what extent are the customers satisfied using the app as the possible solution to the problem they are facing?

·  Are the apps that the users are using perfect? If not, in what areas are the apps lacking?

  1. Search the App Store

The next best thing that you can do to come up with new and unique app ideas that can help you make money is to search the App Store for your own good. All you need to do is just visit the App Store and look for the apps that are in the top categories and top charts and are actually ranking. From here you can pick the apps that interest you to find what the app is doing and how it is actually solving a problem. Doing such research can definitely be time taking but you would find it worthy as it would not only give you market exposure but will even help you in getting new and innovative ideas to create a new app.

If somehow you think that viewing and picking the apps from the top charts require a lot of effort then you can even try searching keywords on the App Store. These keywords must be related to the activity for which you are looking for a solution. Searching keywords on the App Store will definitely help you in finding the areas where you actually want to show your innovation with your trending app ideas.

  1. Follow the Mobile Application Trends

With technology advancing every other day, one of the best ways to come up with new and unique app ideas that can help you make money is to follow what is trending. Think about how you can use the existing trending apps to get unique app ideas to create an application that can be the next talk of the town.

The fact behind the success of the big market players is that they do not stick with the old technologies to create new mobile apps that become trendy after they are launched. They always try to develop the apps using the latest technology available to make something that is not only a problem solver but is the best in the market in terms of efficiency and user interface.

  1. Search Outside The App Store

If you have already searched the App Store and have found nothing there that could help you come up with new and unique app ideas, then you can try searching for the ideas outside of the App Store. You can do this easily by participating in various projects on Kickstarter. If you feel that Kickstarter is not your cup of tea and you are not getting anything out of it, then you can even check on a few startups to get a view of what these startups are actually creating and how their contributions and inventions are rectifying the problems that exist in the market. 

  1. Identify the Market Need

Another way to come up with new and unique app ideas in 2021 is to identify and understand what the market needs the most and how you can give the much-needed. Always try to target a specific market as targeting along with identifying the need of the market will definitely have a huge impact on your new app idea’s success. There is a good possibility that just by analyzing the market needs, you can get a lot of new and unique mobile app ideas for yourself this year.

  1. Track What is Being Funded

To know what is currently trending and what can come in the future requires effort and research. But you can easily do that by finding out which startups are being currently funded by what investors. You can use startup investors’ websites and blogs to know about the startup ideas that the investors are currently interested in funding. This will also help you determine the market requirement and which mobile app ideas in 2021 can trend and what app you can develop to make it the next talk of the town.

How to Research and Validate?

The most important thing that you need to do after you have got your new app idea is to research and validate. To ensure that you are investing your time, money, and energy in creating the new mobile app in the right direction, research and validation are very important and should not be skipped at any cost. 

Following are the few steps that you as an app developer can take to research and validate your application ideas.

  • Analysis

The first step is to identify the apps that solve the problem that you are working on. After you have identified such apps, you can use the Crunchbase tool to determine whether these apps are attracting funds from the investors. If the apps that you have identified are raising funds, then it is a good sign as only good and innovative apps attract investors. 

Also, as a part of your analysis, you can use an ASO tool like AppTweak to know a detailed view of whether the apps that have been created by your competitors are either in the top download charts or in the top-grossing charts. If any of these apps you have listed are ranking then it is again a good sign for you to go ahead and create an app for the problem that you want to work on.

  • Check Keywords Volume

If you have got your new app idea and you are planning to work on it anytime soon, just make sure that you have made a list of at least 6 different keywords that are related to the mobile app that you are going to develop. After listing out similar keywords, you can use keywords analysis tools available in the market including AppAnnie and Google Keyword Planner to search the volumes of the listed keywords.

To Conclude

If you are running a mobile phone app development business or are planning to get into the startup world with mobile phone app development, building an app that could solve the problems of your potential customers will be all you need to earn money in 2021. With the new app ideas, you can even enhance your visibility and make a good presence in the competitive market to let your clients outsource to a mobile app development service provider.  But the challenge here is to come up with new and unique app ideas when the majority of the problems faced by the users have already been covered with the apps developed by the market players.In this article, we have discussed all the things that you can do to come up with new app ideas in 2021. There might be dozens of great app ideas that haven’t been implemented yet and one such idea if implemented by you can brighten people’s lives and can take your business to new heights. So, just go and grab the new app ideas right away before someone else could steal them away from you.

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