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AI, Digital Health, and the Future of Healthcare

Healthcare CRM and IoT

IT Chronicles sat in on a CES2032 presentation on AI, digital health, and the future of healthcare. During the discussion, Dr. Bobby Mukkamala, Immediate Past Chair of the American Medical Association (AMA), elaborated on how technology is influencing healthcare experiences both favorably and unfavorably now and in the future. Here is a recap.

With innovations such as printing 3-D for personal protective equipment, the normalization of remote patient care tripling, and the instantaneous and seamless exchange of healthcare data, the healthcare industry has seen an explosion of technological advances that are making healthcare more accessible globally. “Digital tech allows limitless potential in transforming healthcare,” Mukkamala stated.

How exactly can technology transform healthcare? The AMA believes healthcare tech should accomplish at least one of these three goals: improve patient care, lower costs, and improve overall outcomes. Improving access through technology can also bridge the gap for disadvantaged populations in access, well-being, and life expectancy.  

Medical professionals are already adopting various technologies in the hopes of positively impacting the lives of patients. For example, according to the AMA, one-fifth of physicians are already using augmented intelligence (AI) to improve practices, and 60% want to incorporate AI soon. However, there are reservations about adopting AI and other technologies too quickly, including the overall effectiveness of AI, cost coverage through insurance companies, and accountability related to AI performance and potential hindrances. The AMA believes that direct input from physicians is necessary for the early stages of AI integration to avoid complicating healthcare for patients and physicians. 

To further the advancements in digital health technology, the AMA created the Physicians Innovation Network, which connects the world of medicine to the world of technology and innovation. The platform has 18 thousand users and over 30 organizational collaborators. In 2017, Health2047, a company that integrates physician practices into commercializing new technologies, was founded in association with the AMA. Its goal is to enhance productivity, facilitate value-based payments, realign systems to improve chronic care, and enables data liquidity with advancing technologies. 

The use of tech to improve healthcare practices is crucial for physicians to adopt regardless of personal interest, philosophy, or demographic. Technology plays a critical role in delivering improved healthcare access and outcomes, and organizations like the AMA are at the forefront of helping providers adopt the best solutions.


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