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Free “Cybersecurity for Dummies” Resource Available from Thycotic

Cybersecurity for Dummies

Thycotic, a provider of cybersecurity solutions for more than 7,500 organizations worldwide, today announced the release of its new book, “Cybersecurity for Dummies,” which is available free electronically, as well as in print. The new book gives every employee a practical understanding of cybersecurity basics – describing common threats people face in their daily, personal and work lives and steps they can take to avoid cybercriminals stealing their identities and accessing sensitive information.

“With cybercriminals targeting humans as the weakest link in cybersecurity defenses, helping everyone gain a better understanding of cybersecurity should be a primary goal for companies today to empower employees to be a strong cybersecurity defense,” said the book’s author, Joseph Carson, chief security scientist at Thycotic.  “This 24-page book offers a quick read to help educate employees about how they can protect themselves online at work and at home.  Available free of charge,” he emphasized, “Thycotic has made it easy for any employer to distribute the book electronically to all their employees.”

Written in the straightforward style that the Dummies book franchise is known for, the book covers four key areas to help employees learn what they can do to protect themselves, including:

  • Why cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility
  • Recognizing top cybersecurity threats
  • Responding in the wake of a cyberattack
  • Ten ways to protect yourself at work and home

Thycotic President and CEO James Legg noted that Cybersecurity for Dummies is the latest in a wide range of free tools that Thycotic provides to IT professionals and business users at Free IT Tools.

“With high profile cybersecurity breaches grabbing headlines almost every week,” Legg said, “knowing how to safeguard our identities and defend ourselves against cyberattacks can seem overwhelming for the average person.  This new book is designed to cut through the confusion and help individuals take practical steps to defend themselves and their organizations.”

To download a copy of the Cybersecurity for Dummies book or to receive a hard copy, visit Wileys Dummies Cybersecurity.

Source – PR Newswire

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