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Cybersecurity Help for Small Businesses

small businesses vulnerable to cybersecurity threats

Protecting a vulnerable demographic

Small businesses, who account for a large proportion of U.S. economic activity, are extremely vulnerable to the risks posed by cybersecurity threats, and this is regardless of the type of business they are in.
The National Cybersecurity Society (NCSS) is a newly established national non-profit organization, providing cybersecurity education, threat awareness, and best practices for preventing and managing attacks for the small business community. Research has shown that 60 percent of small businesses fail within 6 months of a cyber-attack.[1] This is a very sobering statistic.

Educating and empowering

The NCSS’s mission is to educate and empower small businesses so that they can be safer online. The group also aims to reduce the potential cyber incidents they face by providing access to resources that will better secure their operations.

The NCSS has developed an assessment to measure small business cyber risk, called NCSS CARES โ€“ the first step small businesses can take to improve their security and resiliency.

Mary Ellen Seale, NCSS founder and Chief Executive Officer, saw first-hand as former Deputy Director of the National Cybersecurity Center, Department of Homeland Security, the devastating effects cyber-attacks have on businesses of any size. Seale recognized the dangers faced by the under-served small business community and realized that national leadership and action was needed to address this threat to the U.S. economy.

Conducting business safely and securely

A community-based organization, the NCSS represents the best of the cybersecurity community – technologists, engineers, analysts, cybersecurity professionals – from the security and IT industry, who understand cyber threats and how to reduce the danger posed to businesses. These specialists are determined to help ensure every American can conduct business online safely and securely.

While the focus is on small business, any business can join and become a member. Membership is also open to anyone who is a victim of cyber-crime or cyber bullying.

The NCSS also provides free online tips, how-to-guides and educational materials for the entire community. For more information, visit

[1] Denver Post, “60% of Small Companies that Suffer a Cyber Attack Are out of Business within 6 Months” by Gary Miller, Oct. 24, 2016.

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