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Phishing Attacks a Concern for 81 Percent of Singapore’s IT Professionals

Today PhishMe®, a leading provider of human phishing defence solutions, released the results of its Singapore Phishing Response Trends Report, which looked at the phishing response strategies of IT security decision-makers across a variety of industries in the Singapore region.

The report highlights that despite technology investments, Singapore-based organisations are flooded with suspicious emails targeting employees. With 80% reported to be utilising anti-malware solutions and 76% email gateway filtering to prevent phishing threats, 63% of surveyed organisations still feel ill-prepared to process and adequately respond to such threats.

According to the Ponemon Institute, malicious or criminal attacks account for 40% of data breaches in Southeast Asian nations like Singapore, with the number of yearly attacks averaging 21,000i. Compared to response trends emerging from the US and the UK, Singapore organizations claimed to be more unprepared to combat phishing attacks despite having dealt with more email-related incidents.

Key findings from the survey include:

  • 95% have dealt with security incidents originating with a deceptive email
  • Nearly 70% have faced an email threat more than once
  • Over a quarter of respondents see more than 500 suspicious emails weekly
  • Nearly all respondents have between one and four security layers already in place
  • Email-related threats are Singapore’s biggest security concern
  • Almost 60% of respondents highlighted technology alone isn’t the answer
  • 96% of surveyed IT professionals plan to upgrade their phishing response and prevention

“Phishing has become the number one attack vector and a rising concern for security professionals globally. The sophistication of recent scams in Singapore involving the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) as well as local airlines, is a clear testimony of how technology alone is unable to prevent modern breaches,” stated Rohyt Belani, CEO and Co-Founder at PhishMe. “With the number of attacks growing exponentially, it is imperative for any organisation to embrace a human-focussed approach geared towards enabling employees to identify suspicious indicators.”

The full report is available for download here:

Source – PR Newswire

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