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Your Online Security – It is Time to Improve Your Password Habits

World password day

Passwords – do you view them as vital protection of your personal data, or just an annoyance, to be made as simple as possible so you don’t forget them? Not protecting your information by using strong passwords is, ultimately, a mistake, and one that could cost you dearly in the future. Today is World Password Day – a good reminder to take stock of your own password habits.

Dashlane, a leading password manager, has teamed up with Intel for World Password Day; an initiative started by Intel with global technology leaders aimed at promoting better password habits. As part of its campaign, Dashlane conducted an in-depth study of Americans’ password habits.

This new research has found that the average American has 150 accounts that require passwords. The company projects will double to 300 within the next five years.

For more information on the study, visit The Dashlane Blog.

“You can’t control the security of the digital services you use every day, but you can take measures to ensure you have optimal password hygiene,” says Emmanuel Schalit, CEO, Dashlane. “It’s great to work with a company like Intel for World Password Day to raise awareness of basic security practices that can improve everyone’s digital lives.”

Rick Echevarria, vice president, Software and Services Group and General Manager, Platform Security Division, at Intel Corporation says, “The goal of Intel’s creation of World Password Day with other global technology leaders—and this annual celebration—is to elevate awareness of best password security practices for consumers to ensure more proactive protection of identity and data.In addition to advocating consumer use of a password manager, this year’s theme is to urge the use of second factor authentication for online accounts such as email, social and financial.”

Dashlane encourages everyone to take three simple steps that will secure their accounts:

  1. Strong Passwords. The ideal password is at least ten characters long and contains random string of letters, numbers, and symbols. A long and complicated password ensures that hackers won’t have an easy time cracking your account.
  2. Different Password for Every Account. This ensures that if one account is breached your other accounts remain secure. This is where password managers, such as Dashlane, are critical. It’s nearly impossible for an average user to remember 150 unique passwords, but password managers do so easily. They securely store the passwords and then automatically log you into your accounts, thus removing the need to remember.
  3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). 2FA, such as your phone’s fingerprint reader combined with verification codes you receive via text message, adds a second layer of security to your accounts. This simple step significantly decreases the risk of someone maliciously accessing your accounts. Almost every major website and app provides 2FA.

Additional World Password Day resources and information:

  • Intel’s World Password Day site offers people simple ways to improve password habits to secure their digital lives.
  • Full checklist of ways to create stronger passwords and protect your accounts.
  • Dashlane’s 2016 Harris Poll findings on the extremes people will go to for online protection.
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