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Connecting IT through ITSM

BMC Engage - engaging the ITSM community

Our Digital Journey starts at BMC Engage

Having been in IT for over 20 years, the digital journey for the enterprise is a very exciting place to be these days. The convergence of technology with consumer patterns is changing the way business operates. For those who embrace and deliver on this successfully, it can be a competitive differentiator.

I have been fortunate to witness the changes in companies like BMC and truly believe, “They are leaders in this movement”. We are honoured to have been asked to come and participate at the conference and amplify the voice of the industry leaders who will be there, giving the global community an opportunity to learn from their experience.

For years, I have been saying “IT is connected – They just don’t want to admit they are!” BMC is more than just an ITSM product company. BMC is a business technology company that focuses on success through IT. According to Gartner, BMC is the leader in the service management marketplace but I don’t feel this should discount the other areas of their product line. BMC has solutions that cover Cloud, Workload automation. IT Automation, Operations and Mainframe. Only a few vendors can deliver integrated solutions with this breadth.

This is one of the main reasons I am excited to be attending my first Engage conference and even more excited that we have been given the opportunity to help the community take part through our global podcast lens.

I hope you will join myself, Kirstie, Carlos, Melanie, Francisco, Clint and special guest host Charlie Betz as we share our conversations and experiences from what is expected to be an amazing event for BMC customers, prospects, analysts and, of course, us.

You can follow the hashtag #BMCEngage subscribe to our Youtube Channel and Sound Cloud channel to make sure you get the interviews as soon as they are published.

Light green canvas Freshworks and Device 42 logos with a friendly robot reflecting the news: Freshwork acquires Device42.
Hands typing on a laptop with digital icons, representing "What is Enterprise Service Management."

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