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Almost like being there

recording the AllThingsITSM podcast at the itSMF UK conference

One of the things I love about working on the AllThingsITSM website and podcast is the opportunity I get to work with some great people and attend top-class industry events.

It is a few years since I have had the chance to attend the itSMF UK annual conference, but thanks to our premier sponsor, Cherwell along with additional support from SDI and itSMF UK, the team will be there, recording conversations and being a part of the event at the Sofitel Heathrow on November 23 and 24.

When you can’t be there…

Getting to events like the itSMF UK conference or the other great conferences the podcast records at, is not always possible for those working in our industry. But by recording interviews with some of the key players in the iTSM industry, the AllThingsITSM podcast is able to disseminate some of the wisdom that is shared at these events with the rest of the ITSM community globally.

The concept of the podcast conversations we have comes, in part, from a discussion held at a conference a couple of years ago where we bemoaned the fact that so much of the value of attending a conference is found in bars and cafes at the end of a day when conference attendees, speakers, and vendors share ideas in a less formal setting. But sadly only a select few shared in this wisdom.

The casual conversations we have on camera bring some of that hidden conference value out into the open for everyone to share.

An exciting future

I have to say that I am looking forward to seeing what is in the future for itSMF UK. The appointment of well-known industry stalwart, Barclay Rae, as interim CEO seems to be, from my perspective, a step in the right direction for the organization.

At a time when itSMF chapters globally, with few exceptions, have been struggling to grow, or even retain their membership, I would like to think that moving to appoint an ITSM professional into this position will give the organization a strong focus on the business of ITSM itself. Organizations like itSMF are in a position where they need to make money to do things, rather than simply doing things to make money (thanks Ivor Macfarlane for making that distinction to me a number of years ago).

I would like to think that itSMF UK will be able to revitalize under its new leadership, and it would be great to see new life breathed into the forum at a global level – I hope that itSMF UK will be able to be the leader that others can follow. I am very happy that the podcast can be there at the beginning of this new part of their journey.

Light green canvas Freshworks and Device 42 logos with a friendly robot reflecting the news: Freshwork acquires Device42.
Hands typing on a laptop with digital icons, representing "What is Enterprise Service Management."

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