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Technological Acceleration – Shaking up IT in Montreal

technological acceleration

A new event, focussed on technological acceleration and hyperconvergence, Shake IT Montréal, happens on Wednesday, April 19, 2017, at New City Gas, Montreal.

Table of Contents

This event is aimed primarily at high-level managers and executives. It aims to offer tools that will aid in understanding current issues in the digital world, allowing executives to make better strategic decisions. The program includes conferences sessions and plenaries led by around some of the most dynamic and innovative players in IT, both local and international.

The content and format of the event aims to stir up popular and conventional beliefs about IT, inspiring its participants and encouraging them to think outside the box. The opening conference of this disruptive day features visionary Joshua Bengio, full professor at Université de Montréal, Director of MILA, Scientific Director at IVADO, and Canada Research Chair in Statistical Learning Algorithms.

Shake IT Montréal will be hosted by Stéphane Garneau, Radio-Canada journalist, commentator and, above all, lover of all things digital. The event will have a festive, culinary side to it, ensuring those in attendance will have an immersive experience that they will not quickly forget. Among others, Shake IT Montréal will welcome Jonathan Garnier, chef and founder of the Guilde Culinaire.

This event offers a unique opportunity to learn from innovating and engaging conference sessions, and to share information with the top players from Montreal and elsewhere, who offer the innovative solutions that are needed for major corporate transformation. Moreover, Shake IT Montréal gives participants close and privileged networking opportunities.


The event is presented by Microsoft, with the support of Econocom, OVH and 4Degrés, as well as Action TI, Montréal International and Techno Montréal. Shake IT Montréal is an initiative of Linkbynet.

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