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What is Good Customer Service

customer trust and loyalty

In order to survive in today’s highly competitive marketplace, every organization must deliver good customer service. In fact, if they what to continue to grow their business, good service is no longer good enough. That needs great customer service or even outstanding service. Customers today expect the best in terms of service and products. Sharing experiences about good (and bad) customer service can be achieved with a few words, or even just a star rating, and the click of a mouse button. You might be offering what you think is the best customer service in the world, but one dissatisfied customer can soon affect your reputation.

The key to good service is building good relationships with your customers. For example, thanking the customer and promoting a positive, helpful, and friendly environment is one example of good service that will help to will ensure they leave with a great impression. A happy customer will return often and is more likely to spend more.

Customer Service and Support Team

To ensure you provide the best service both your organization and your staff that have direct relationships with customers should:

  • Know what your customers consider to be good service.
  • Take the time to find out your customers’ expectations.
  • Follow up on both positive and negative feedback you receive about your products and your service.
  • Ensure that you consider ways to deliver great service in all aspects of your business.
  • Continuously look for ways to improve the level of service you deliver, striving to give the best customer service experience that you can
Good Customer Service Rep

Examples of Good Service

The elements of good service include the following aspects:

Customer relationships: To build strong customer relationships to deliver good service, you should always:

  • Greet customers and approach them in a natural that fits the individual situation.
  • Always help people; this is a good mark of exceptional service.
  • Engage in a conversation with your customer that isn’t just about the product; this helps to build relationships with returning customers and will make you stand out as providing great customer service.

Staff: If you want to provide the best service, then all of your staff need to have good communication and appropriate sales skills. Your managers need to show leadership by personally providing excellent customer service at all times.  

Customer survey

Complaints: Great service needs careful handling of complaints. An example of bad customer service is the organization that takes your complaint but insists that their product is perfect. To give excellent service, you should accept the customer’s viewpoint for every complaint. The old adage ‘The customer is always right’ is a great motto for outstanding service. All complaints give you the opportunity to learn something about your product or service. Let customers know that you appreciate feedback, good and bad, and use it to strive for the best customer experience.

What is Great Customer Service

Great customer service is all about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy – happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers for your business.


What is Good Customer Service?

In order to survive in today’s highly competitive marketplace, every organization must deliver good customer service. To ensure you provide the best service both your organization and your staff that have direct relationships with customers should: 1. Know what your customers consider to be good service. 2. Take the time to find out your customers’ expectations. 3. Follow up on both positive and negative feedback you receive about your products and your service. 4. Ensure that you consider ways to deliver great service in all aspects of your business. 5. Continuously look for ways to improve the level of service you deliver, striving to give the best customer service experience that you can. Great customer service is all about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy – happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers for your business.

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