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I looked in the ITSM rear view mirror for AllthingsITSM

Here is what I saw

What an amazing year for the team at AllThingsITSM. What started as a spontaneous chat with a few industry legends at Fusion14,  with the audio recorded on an iPhone 4, video captured with the laptop webcam and with a backdrop of different vendors is now a fully fledged video recording setup, with complete onsite production team, producing high quality event content.

Who would have thought, at the end of 2014, that we would have recorded interviews at 8 different global events, captured over 150 interviews with IT’s best and brightest and have plans for many more events in 2016.

We learned a lot this year and here are just a few on that list.

  1. We learned that delivering the podcast is very expensive and we could not do it without the support of great vendors like BMC Software, Cherwell, Navvia, Landesk, SDI, Hornbill, ServiceNow, Certification Game, HPE, Microsoft and the team at Goto Marketers
  2. We learned that even without the support of events we attend, people would leave an event venue to come have a chat with the team and share their expertise
  3. We learned that events, vendors and the guests need to be our partners to succeed. We are just a vehicle for their message, so let’s do it together
  4. We learned we have a lot of support out there when it comes to helping us online and onsite

A big thank you

I want to thank the following people for their time and thought leadership. Our contributors to the blog who have helped drive amazing organic SEO results and we have quickly become a destination site for terms around and related to ITSM.

Carlos Casanova – Daniel Breston – Dave O’Reardon – Dave van Herpen – Doug Tedder – Harry Repo – IvorMacfarlane
James Gander – John Clark – KarenFerris – KirstieMagowan – Mark Smalley – Mark Woeppel – Matt Hooper
Michael Keeling – Michelle Major-Goldsmith – Nancy Van Elsacker – Peter Brooks – PhyllisDrucker – Robert Falkowitz
Sid Suri – Simon Dorst – Simone Moore – Stephen Mann – SureshGP

Extraordinary guest hosts

Our amazing guests hosts have jumped on whenever and wherever we have needed them and brought different experiences and global perspective to the conversations. Huge thanks to;

I want to thank our readership and YouTube viewers and promise if you keep reading and viewing, we will keep on producing.

A great team

Last but not least, I want to thank the team that pulled it together at all the different events and venues in foreign lands and in some cases, different languages.

Kirstie Magowan, Carlos Casanova, Melanie Adamich, Francisco Piñeiro, Lucas Terone, Terry Brown, Daniel Tucci

We have used the services of some great videographers, thanks to Clint Montgomery, Trevor Lock, Adam Lipscomb, Murray Maunder and Catalin Anastase for their expertise and the work they have done to make us look and sound good.

Stay tuned in 2016

The team at AllThingsITSM has a big year planned for 2016. We are constantly looking for ways that we can better serve the community with great content, relevant and timely information, thought leadership and news, all presented in an easily digestible and entertaining way. Make sure you join us in 2016, it is going to be quite a ride!a

Light green canvas Freshworks and Device 42 logos with a friendly robot reflecting the news: Freshwork acquires Device42.
Hands typing on a laptop with digital icons, representing "What is Enterprise Service Management."