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Picture of a man pointing to the screen where appears a digitally illustrated text that says "IT service management", as a visual representation of ITIL vs ITSM.
A great group of people got together to discuss the state of ITSM at the itSMF Norway conference
KCS practices promote the sharing and development of knowledge in a team environment
successful event management requires that both sides work together to achieve a successful outcome - 'one hand washes the other'
Sophisticated service management is the key to success in the new digital business world
Excellent knowledge sharing from Service Manager Day 2016
Sometimes we really need our ITSM heroes, the only way we can support them and the organization is to improve knowledge sharing
Are we stuck in an ITSM timewarp?
There are a number of pros and cons to be considered when looking at Configuration Management and the CMDB
Effective Executive Sponsorship is essential to the success of change initiatives

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